Insights Blog

AWS Managed Service provider

Lemongrass Achieves the AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP) Designation

Lemongrass is proud to announce our acceptance into the robust Amazon Web Services (AWS) Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partner Program.
value from data lakes

Generating value from the data ‘trading floor’

Data is the modern currency for businesses, yet locking it away rarely yields the best results.
innovation sap automation

There’s No Innovation Without Automation

Cloud offers great opportunities for enterprises to access transformational innovation, however, there's no innovation without automation according to Eamonn O'Neill.
beyond HR

Beyond HR: Our secret to building a great team

Mark Hirst looks beyond the function of the HR model, talent does attract talent. Learn how Lemongrass has attracted such a great team.
It's Operate

“It’s Operate, Stupid.”: How a lack of focus on Operate can undermine the business case for moving to the Cloud.

Keeping Operate front and center as you go through your journey of moving SAP to the Cloud. It too has a broad and significant impact ...
SAP automation on the cloud

SAP Automation: A false dawn or a ray of light?

Why is automation so key to SAP on Cloud? Mark Hirst discusses how the industry looks at automation, what it sometimes means and what it ...
decision making framework for cloud adoption

A Decision-Making Framework for Cloud Adoption

We outline a decision-making Cloud adoption framework that stakeholders can use to make informed decisions regarding Cloud adoption and some of the common challenges that ...
too cool for SAP on AWS

Are you too cool for SAP?

Are you too cool for SAP? Mark Hirst talks about mixing age, experience, and thinking, providing modern, adaptive, and continuously improved services for clients who ...
how to Reduce risk SAP on AWS migrations

Taking the risk out of migration

How can you minimize risk and reduce downtime when migrating SAP workloads to AWS. Mark Hirst shares 10 insights into how this can achieved.
SAP on Cloud Innovation

SAP on AWS Innovation News: April 2021

New features, capabilities, and market updates that drive innovation and optimization into SAP-Centric workloads on AWS.