Mark Hirst

How to fast track SAP S/4HANA to 2027 deadline

Fast-tracking SAP S/4HANA on Cloud with Lemongrass

SAP S/4HANA – Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should be already doing today SAP first announced that all existing users of SAP must upgrade to their new SAP S/4HANA application suite in 2025. Since then, multiple SAP S/4HANA migration deadlines have come, gone, been ignored, or been extended. The latest deadline of 2027

too cool for SAP on AWS

Are you too cool for SAP?

Are you too cool for SAP? Mark Hirst talks about mixing age, experience, and thinking, providing modern, adaptive, and continuously improved services for clients who ultimately gain greater value and achieve much more – a win/win for all.

how to Reduce risk SAP on AWS migrations

Taking the risk out of migration

How can you minimize risk and reduce downtime when migrating SAP workloads to AWS. Mark Hirst shares 10 insights into how this can achieved.